Wednesday, March 14, 2007

s p r o u t i n g ....

Grandma is the master sprouter, she perfected her system, here is the scoop:

You will need:
- Seeds
- Plastic medium size party plates
- Small pieces of paper (~3 inch square)
- Small pieces of paper towels (~3 inch square)
- Water
- Plastic bag

Take a plastic plate, put a little piece of paper on it put the seeds on top of the paper, put a couple layers of paper towels, water them until the paper towels absorbs the water, grandma puts 3-4 seeds for each plate to try, repeat for all the seeds, stack the plates on top of each other, put them all in a plastic bag, and keep checking them to water once-twice a day, your sprouts should be up within a couple of days. Don't forget to label them ;)

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